25 June 2010


At this point, he was scribbling in the dirt showing us how you guys were going to die. Notice the amount of stress those shoes have to endure. Poor shoes.

Soooooo awesome!  This is the point when Ms. J really started to worry about mine and XXXX's certain death.

From our [KATY TRAIL RIDE]...when P and I had left the group to trek on through the flood waters...only to end up a hand full of miles down the way in [SHANTY TOWN] on Highway N, muddy and soaking wet.


Paul said...

This makes me laugh so much based on the description of his personality. I picture Chris Farley that knows a lot about rocks and gains trust from tourist based on his knowledge of them.

houvenagle said...

I still don't have a f'n clue what rocks have to do with thunderstorms and floods...maybe that's why I'm a designer...I don't know.