30 April 2008


After disregarding my personal well being for a while and basically fueling myself on booze and cigarettes...I decided I should move into a more normal like human state.

I made an eye appointment for this Friday, after being out of contacts for six months or so...and only wearing my glasses with a six or so year old prescription.

I went to the grocery store last night...since I've literally had no food in my place other than oatmeal for easily over a month now. Trader Joe's is fucking awesome.

And this morning I got up early to get my oil changed in my car...I don't really drive much, but when I had been there was a consistent yellow light telling me my shits low.

Kinda feels good.


houvenagle said...

Now I know why I didn't get my oil changed until now...tie rods...expensive motherfucking tie rods.

Jeff said...

You don't even wear a tie. Rod!