08 July 2013


Thanks to the internet, some detective-like friends, a random woman's kindness and the Kirkwood Police...George is home. He managed to travel at least 6.5 miles since Thursday night. I just picked him up a bit ago from the police department. He is now comfortably sleeping. Not eternally...just resting I swear it.

A big thank you to everyone who was on the hunt. You all make me happy.


Jeff said...

very happy George (spaghetti) made it home safely. Although he has proved he is dumb, that he chose to wander many many miles rather than live with some rich person in a mansion.

Rob_Blah_blog said...

This is your tiger cat you're speaking of?

houvenagle said...

Nope. George...the white boxer that looks like that other one Astro that use to come to work with that girl at that place I use to work with you alls. I have adopted him.

Rob_Blah_blog said...

Ahh. Haven't met George.