24 July 2011


So many good things can happen on a Saturday afternoon with a heat index pushing the temperature well over 100 degrees. Thanks for the ride kids...and special thanks to [AUDI-Ks]


DoeHands said...

Everyone looks awesome and your sunglasses are super rad! Oh, and I think Matt Dale with a puppy is the cutest thing I've ever seen!

houvenagle said...

We are awesome. The sunglasses are Mr. P's...but I think they are mine now (P, they're mine now). And just wait until you see MD with Baby Houvenagle August 1.

DoeHands said...

Is that when their baby is due? Why is it baby Houvenagle? Are you sleeping a blonde mustache and a onesie of classic tattoos on it?

Paul said...

Well, I'm just glad they found a good home. The intended owner did not realize their value.

DoeHands said...

Does that mean you tried to give them to a girl and she didn't wear them? I only say that because that's how I got my awesome sunglasses...my brother had this bitchy on-again-off-again-always-fighting-with girlfriend and he bought her these sunglasses he actually spent money on from this company SABRE that our friend works for and she acted like he gave her a flaming bag of dogshit or something, so luckily I was there to say "hey, I think they're rad!" and she said "see, you should give them to Heather" and then me and the sunglassums lived happily all year long so far.