19 November 2010


Thanks for the ride.


reverend dick said...

That fucking hat is the most horribly appealing piece of headgear I have ever seen!

Does it smell weird?

houvenagle said...

Its on my desk and I'm laughing because I just had to bend over and smell it to see...nope, no weird smell that I can detect, gots a clean fur and face. And also not pictured is the sweet tail flowing from the back.

My boss actually bought it for me off of ebay a little while back...custom made to my head size. Win.

DoeHands said...

When you guys were off looking sexy on the rocks, Julie and I were like, "He is not going to end up looking sexy...no. way." but I gotta say those rocks are doin something for you! As for Paul, I was wrong and Julie was right, he does look like he's taking a wilderness poo and not like he is about to do a sweet bmx jump, ahahahhaha good fun last night.

ps- I forgot to tell all of you that my friend Chelsea told me that yesterday was a made up holiday called have sex with a man with a moustache day.

houvenagle said...

good fun indeed...ha.

DoeHands said...

Paul was more upset about missing the moustached holiday haha go figure