12 October 2010


Jefferson City to the humble outskirts of good ol’ Saint Louis.
110+ miles

4:00pm Mr. MD, T, myself and Ms. J set out on the Missouri River Runner train 313 headed to Jefferson City. Bicycles and gear sufficiently loaded, we sat back enjoying all the perks that come with riding a train…endless amounts of people watching, lovely landscapes, getting blasted in the face by the fart of a roaming eleven year old, stashed booze and tall cans…and the dining car.

The train arrived in Jeff City just before dusk when we set out to find Mr. P who had been patiently awaiting our arrival at a nearby pub. The plan was to meet P, Ms. L & Mr. C there, but as we sat drinking and dining, we got the news that L & C would end up meeting us in Tebbets. Now completely dark and half drunk, we decided it best to ride to the nearest gas station to stock up on Busch & Natural and start our evening’s lightless journey. We crossed over the Missouri River via interstate 54, hopped on a back road or two and found the trail in N. Jefferson, hit Wainright and finally the shelter in Tebbetts.

Shelter…you ask? Only the best place on earth…for a $5.00 donation you get a bunk, electricity, half a kitchen, water, a bike room, a ping-pong table and a bar full of locals next door singing karaoke. We made ourselves at home and awaited the late arrival of our remaining two…who rolled in about 1:00am.

Up and at ‘em early, we repacked our bikes and played with the town’s stray dogs while P mounted an 8’ x 5’ American flag to his bike. Spirits high, we headed out for a day of fun, flats and adventure…hitting Mokane, Steedman, Portland, Bluffton, Rhineland and just before McKittrick we detoured two or so miles into Hermann for Oktoberfest, beer and brauts.

As we were locking up in Hermann we met an overly excited German guy who has been cycling for 17 months straight, so far. He’s apparently rode across all of Europe and Asia, where he then flew from Japan to San Francisco and plans to finish in New York sometime in December. After we posed for a few pictures…he was very intrigued by us, oddly enough…we ventured down the streets in search of provisions of the Oktoberfest nature.

Bellies full we decided it best to move on, so on we went…we retraced our detour, before riding on to McKittrick, Case, Gore, Bernheimer, Treloar (hot Gin is not refreshing), Peers and finally our camping destination of the evening…Marthasville, where we set up camp at the baseball fields. Luckily there was a bar within walking distance with a drunken rude waitress who was willing to serve us all the fried food and domestic beer we could handle.

Despite some of us waking up before sunrise, I don’t think we got on our bikes until 10:30 or 11:00. Which was totally fine, we got coffee from a nearby gas station and made small talk with a few of the other cyclists who had crashed closer to home plate.

Finally mounted and ready, we rode on. Hitting Dutzow (side note: shortly after Dutzow, P wrecked into the ditch and got another flat) then Augusta where we welcomely got side tracked for quite some time at the local microbrewery. Refreshed and somewhat now lethargic we kept on, hitting Matson and then Defiance where we once more got sidetracked at a local biker bar. After a couple hours of appetizers, bottled beer, plans of cat shows and nachos we thought it best to once more continue east.

From Defiance we hit Weldon Springs, Green Bottoms and then the sad realization it was nearing an end set in. Soon after, Mr. C, T and Ms L parted ways to stashed cars in a community lot, while MD, P, myself and Ms. J headed onward a handful of miles into Saint Charles to the Trailhead Brewery for a celebratory drink and dinner. We had made it.

I can’t thank the six other riders enough for the gackle of fun they contributed to…

My frozen pizza diet is apparently unhealthy and sounds pathetic when described aloud to people.

An 8’ x 5’ flag on a 9’ pole attached to your bike creates an uncomfortable amount of drag and results in clearance issues.

The best name for a stray dog is indeed Rebecca.

Moustaches not only offer up endless smiles, but they are quite common in rural Missouri.

While attending the likes of a small town bar you should avoid the toilet and all restroom facilities at all costs, using only the ground beside your pickup truck.

A tent is usually a good idea…though if the need presents itself an outstretched rainfly is somewhat accommodating.

With a hundred or so miles of no coasting under your belt, the added weight of your gear and the dehydrated nature of riding…sprint racing is not the best of ideas.

Best Moustache – MD
Most Child Like Camping Gear – P
Most Prepared for a Dance Party – T
Best Socks from Korea – C
Most Likely to Bring a Tent Next Trip – J
Most Likely to Acquire a Brighter Headlight – L
Biggest Cheering Section at a TBD Cat Show – myself



Paul said...

You left out the part about how you woke up at 6am in the shelter and started telling jokes to yourself in hopes of annoying someone awake.

While this trip was much less reckless than the last, it may have been more enjoyable.

houvenagle said...

So much fun...and despite the opinion of others, I'm hilarious.

cfenter said...

heh~ good times indeed. i'll be checking out for cat shows. meanwhile i wouldnt mind planning out another touring bike ride. was a pleasure to ride with the gang.

houvenagle said...

I'm all for another...isn't there a trail or something around on of the great lakes? I'll do some interneting...