23 September 2010


Blockbuster has finally filed for bankruptcy...shame on you Netflix...actually I haven't set foot in a Blockbuster for years. And not only do I not much mind, but I love you Netflix, you soon to be monopoly of DVD rentals, you.



Paul said...

They didn't evolve fast enough with the changing business model. I think redbox had a 3 year lead on the $1 movie machines. It might have even taken them longer to start their video through mail service.

Not to mention, while everyone else was lowering the price to rent a movie, they jacked their prices up to $5.50.

Blockbuster won't being going away any time soon. More than likely, they will re-evaluate their model and restructure to become profitable again. They'll continue to close stores though...

houvenagle said...

...yeah, I have no doubts that they've got something to combat the constant change of how people are watching movies, tv, etc...but its a different story as to whether or not the general public will buy into their new model...

Paul said...

I've got it from a good source that they are going to offer free blowjobs for every $40 you spend there.

Sounds like a good business model to me.