30 September 2010


I'm not being vague, that's the title, A Serbian Film. I am rendered somewhat speechless after watching this last night. I'll tell you this...I like a lot, a lot of fucked up movies, but I have never had one manifest a physical pain from knotting my stomach until this one. Truth be told...you know what, I liked it...its completely fucked up and I don't condone...well anything really, that's happening in the movie, but it's just that...a movie. And a movie that is able to have an effect, positive or negative for that matter after viewing and stick with a viewer...well, that gets my vote. So I'm not saying watch it by any means, but I will say if you do decide to watch it...one, its not for everyone, you probably don't want to watch it if you have kids, have issues with watching rape scenes and you might want to view it first by yourself. Two, go ahead and watch the [TRAILER]...but this trailer makes the movie seem like a Disney film compared to what you're in for. Three, stay committed...if you're going to watch it, watch it all the way through...no cutting out halfway and then complaining about it.

So there's that, do with it what you will...and I'll leave you with the advice scribed in black sharpie from my buddy who gave me a copy..."once you see this you can't unsee it."


houvenagle said...

Best described by Mr. J when I asked him about it before I had watched it...he said something to the liking of...I bet this is what your dreams were like when you were taking [CHANTIX]...my response now having viewed the film...yes.

Jeff said...

I am glad that I didn't oversell this movie to you. I was worried that it disturbed me and my stating that over and over would get you in a mindset of after you watched it think, "that wasn't so bad"

While I am no longer haunted by scenes from it, if the movie is brought up, there are scenes that pop into my head and I wish they didn't.

Paul said...

'Stay Gold' is for kids. I'm gonna get 'Stay Hard' and you two are going to be jealous.

Watch your eye.