29 September 2010


Scour the likes of craigslist for cheap old trunks, shipping crates etc. and tell everyone what you're looking for until Ms. J (thank you) gives you the perfect size avocado green trunk for free. Please note ghosts tend to travel with some pieces of furniture, so your trunk may or may not be haunted and perpetually bleeding from no where (see the third picture...yeah, that's still wet and won't stop....creeps me the fuck out). It may also smell like old...but this is okay, we'll address the matter in steps to come.

Acquire a run of the mill litter box (in this case XL) for about fifteen bucks or so. If you're at Target, also feel free to pick up a bunch of other random shit you don't need and spend more than the fifteen.

Take advantage of your friend with that sweet garage and all the tools (thanks Mr. J). Repeatedly ask when you can come over to cut a hole in the side of an old demon filled trunk. He will eventually break down and do it for you...if this is the case, be sure to have a twelve pack on hand so that you aren't parched while you watch.

By now you should have a 9" x 9" hole in the side of your trunk. Perfect, now the ghosts can travel in and out at their own discretion...you need to do nothing but hope they latch on to your neighbors, take that shitty old smell with them and enjoy their company more than yours. You also might want to put that XL litter box inside of the trunk.

Ride bikes to Taco Bell...though not a necessity to your build, it is a great way to celebrate your newfound handy man skills and the fact that you don't have to look at your new cat's turds for the next fifteen or how ever many years.


reverend dick said...

Well played!

houvenagle said...

Thanks...not gonna lie, I'm pretty proud of this one.

Paul said...

1. I pick up my new black leather trunk today.

2. Do you think Lloyd will shit in it?

3. You need an LED night light in there. No one likes to poo in the dark.

houvenagle said...

1. splendid.

2. I'm not sure a great dane will fit in a trunk unless you saw off his legs...so no, but would you like help sawing off his legs?

3. no one does like to poo sans light, at least I don't...but luckily its a cat, so it will be pooing sans light.