27 September 2010


Say you walk into a building of condos, apartments...whatever...a pretty decent and large place where a friend hangs their hat, right. Through a door opening into a common area you come across a brown box with no top...in it, 13 seemingly unopened Coors Light bottles. Laying on top of the bottles, scribed in black sharpie on a recipe card of sorts, a sign that says 'FREE BEER!'....do you take them?

This isn't a trick question...more of a do you trust strangers sort of thing. Yes, I can across this scenario...no I did not get drunk on free beer...I left them as they lay...though someone had a greater trust than I about 3 hours after my discovery.


Jeff said...

I take one and bash my friend I am visiting on the head with it.

Paul said...

Non beer drinkers do this a lot after they host parties.

I probably would have left them too. Unless I was thirsty.