02 August 2010



reverend dick said...

wait wait wait. I feel sure that is being taken out of context. Surely Batman is revealing that guy to be a cleverly disguised bad guy!

Aside from the smirk, which I attribute to shitty 70s inking, there's no indication otherwise. And it would be disappointingly out of character for the Dark Knight.

houvenagle said...

...what I wouldn't give for that to be true.

Unfortunately, Batman carries the little known burden-filled lust of toupee smelling. This frame is simply a prequel of the later incriminating stills. I deeply apologize for passing on the knowledge and destroying an otherwise swell childhood memory. Believe me...I wish it weren't so.

reverend dick said...

Oh, how the mighty are falling.

Ima have to go look at nudeish photos of Julie Newmar and Eartha Kitt as Cat Women to get over the horrible image.