26 July 2010


Its been a long crazy weekend of fun...that being said, a lot of things were broken by my favorite house guest Mr. A. One of those things included my iPod...which is an actual necessity for me, luckily they make more...so I got a new one on order.


Jeff said...

now you have a lot more room for music. bring it over and we'll load it up.

Paul said...

I think it's story time! Lets hear about Mr. A's adventures.

houvenagle said...

too many to type...will best be suited for a bar night around a patio table.

houvenagle said...

also, if anyone wants a taste of hanging out with Mr. A...not this weekend but next, I'll be headed to down south to help him in celebrating his much anticipated graduation...he's been in school for over decade (literally) so it will be a momentous weekend.