08 June 2010


My car is back in the shop for round two of repairs. I have zero confidence in these f'ers, considering that while I was waiting in line yesterday to drop if off, I watched a worker drive a brand new Ford F150 Dually into the side of the building. And my new non existent rental car makes it easier than ever to get around...thanks Suntrup Ford.


Jeff said...

Why what is wrong?
Why would they need to keep it for the wheel and antenna?

houvenagle said...

Rather than order a new rim and swap it while I wait, they're re-machining the existing rim...meaning they've got to take it off, ship it to be redone, ship it back and put it on.

Jeff said...

then why couldn't they give you a spare wheel in the meantime.

What can we do to help?

Well more like what can NAncy do.

houvenagle said...

Because they're degenerates.

Nothing...I just like to bitch...it'll be fine, I've got rides to work.