29 June 2010


Its been a long journey together, and I won't forget you soon...but I think I need to let you go. You covered my lip the time when we laughed together about how awesome we looked...and you hung awkwardly on my face while I unwrapped my xmas presents...only to realize it was a box of socks and not combs for you. Oh, and that time you decided to cover yourself in toothpaste, that was the best. I can say whole heartedly that it won't be the same trying to eat barbeque, or anything for that matter, without out you dangling from under my nose...but tonight, despite my inner turmoil, you will be turned to pube-like hairs in my sink when I shave you off my face, but not out of my heart. Goodbye old friend, I shall miss you dearly.

As this is a time of great hurt for me and my loved ones, please feel free to share your fondest memories in the comments section...its been a good run.


Paul said...

I had a dream last night that you were going to shave it soon. Super weird.

By the way, I found this gem on my face yesterday.


houvenagle said...

...and the spirit lives on. Good work.

Paul said...


Jeff said...

How will I recognize you next time I see you?

houvenagle said...

I will be the one complaining about shaving my moustache.

Paul said...

At least take a farewell photo.