15 June 2010


Since [JOPLIN] passed, I've been missing having a dog. I miss the routine and I miss something being home when I get there. I don't think I'm ready for one yet, but Mr. MD is pushing this pit puppy on the left. She is rad looking, but not really sure I have the time to train a puppy right now...we'll see.


Paul said...

Is this the one that growls at you?

I think it would be a good fit, although you might want to borrow my super extra large kennel for at least 6 months until the pup becomes familiar with your apartment and doesn't chew all of your stuff.

houvenagle said...

...no this is a friend of MD's that has to get rid of her for whatever reason. MD's is Cash...he is the one that growls at me, that is up until the other night when he decided he would replace anger with leg sex.

Paul said...

You got hate fucked.

Jeff said...

Get the dog.

houvenagle said...

...I know your motives.