30 June 2010


You're with pretend jesus now moustache...or in the sewer somewhere, since I flushed you down the toilet...and I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry for that.


Jeff said...

How do you know that there are not magical powers in the sewer that will cause your mustache to reanimate and crave human brains? Because if that happens it will most likely seek revenge on you. Your only real chance is to try to connect with it psychically and convince it to destroy your enemies rather than you.

Good luck with that.

Can I have some of your stuff when you fail and it kills you?

houvenagle said...

In theory the magical powers should be warded off by my urine, but you're right...you never know, so you can take my stuffed armadillo...nothing more.

Jeff said...

I will also take your bikes. Unless of course the mustache doesn't kill you and in fact turns you into a mindless flesh craving zombie that does it's evil bidding. then I will stay away from you.

Jeff said...
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