03 May 2010


Well underway...finished the ivory and yellow stripes on Saturday and then started inking it that night. Now I just need to clean up some of the silver metallic lines, clear coat everything and build this f'er back up. Get excited Ms. J. You might actually get your bike back. And a big thanks to Mr. J W.


houvenagle said...

Just sent shots to Ms. J and got this response...Ha.

"Holy shit. How can I even pretend to be cool enough to ride this thing?..."

Anonymous said...
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Paul said...

Squiggly lines make your bike ninja fast.

houvenagle said...

...now picture it with a honey Brooks saddle, chrome straight bars with blue grips and white and/or blue deep vs...

Jeff said...

She is so not cool enough to be allowed to ride that bike. I say when it's all done, right when you are giving it back to her you smash it and throw it in the river.

houvenagle said...

Well you do know that before she even rides it she'll drop it first...

Jeff said...

of course she will. she knocked over my OBEY bike the first time she was around it.