05 May 2010


"I'm gonna set it on fire and wreck it into children..." Mrs. N demonnously proclaimed as she popped her car into neutral and released the parking brake. She stood silently watching the car roll backwards as it gained momentum barreling down the hill. On lookers would later swear there was a faint hint of delight sparkling in her eyes as the driverless car reached optimum ramming speed just before smashing into my defenseless Rabbit.

Or my car now has a broken leg. Oddly enough it was an accident with no people in either car. Turns out shit does happen as thousands of bumper stickers will tell you. What are you gonna do...its just a car...who cares? I do not. It'll get fixed and that'll be that.


Jeff said...

I spray painted you car this morning. And pooped in it. You are welcome.

houvenagle said...

A delight indeed. Hopefully a cool Nascar number on the side. And I have heard feces do wonders for your interior...it'll give the car a much needed focal point.