05 April 2010


Normally I don't post graphic work...no real reason, I just don't...but this is just annoying. And let me state, this was a personal endeavor completely outside of my respected agency.

On the far left you have what this freelance client picked...not my work...on the right you have the two I had submitted, which were rejected. Now, I'm not saying these are the best ever logos, and they are certainly flawed...afterall this was round one they rejected these...but I'm just dumbfounded at the mass majority's personal preference when it comes to branding.

I don't care if you pass on my work, I am more than okay with it...and it happens quite often, its part of what I do...but pick something that brings something to the table for your brand or what have you.


Jeff said...

maybe you should have thought about using a rectangle.

David Kerins said...

Clearly you didn't get the memo that they wanted something un-original and a complete rip off of the Fox News logo. And I work there....

Paul said...

Fox news is the first thing I thought of when I saw it.