30 April 2010


Me and home slice Mr. J took the day off to get more done on the Sharpie Bike. We've got all the ivory on and ready for stripes that'll most likely happen this weekend...hopefully, f'n rain I hate you. We were also sanding and started to paint his flip bike. And...remember [THIS BEAUTY]...well we finally got the kickstand off, which was conveniently welded to the frame, with a little help from an air chisel, a grinder and a hammer. Once it was off we grinded down the broken weld and touched up the yellow. So after a little more with the grinder in some other areas and a tid bit of touch up yellow (still want to keep it pretty ruffed up)...I'll finally finally start to build her back up.

So after bikes and what have you, we made our way to the Science Center for a private party opening the latest exhibit, [REAL PIRATES]. After a few double cocktails, meatballs, the girls putting plastic swords on my moustache, cake and all the other hors d'oeuvres we could handle we walked through the exhibit...which was rather super neato. Neato and they have an actual chest of pirate booty which might have been my favorite piece of the exhibit...that or some of the guns. Oh...or the hanging death suit they would string up captured pirates in as a warning to others...it was extra creepy to see and to think of how many poor chaps had been in it only to have their flesh rot.

After the Science Center I was pretty wiped...considering [APRILWEEN] was the night before and I was running on about 3 hours of sleep. If I was awarding the costume contest that doesn't exist...Mr. P you would be congratulated.

Good things.

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