12 April 2010


Deary dear...there just had to be a catch somewhere down the line. Steve Jobs...the god of Apple...announced the launch of the iAd.

“iAd, Apple’s new mobile advertising platform, combines the emotion of TV ads with the interactivity of web ads. Today, when users click on mobile ads they are almost always taken out of their app to a web browser, which loads the advertiser’s webpage. Users must then navigate back to their app, and it is often difficult or impossible to return to exactly where they left. iAd solves this problem by displaying full-screen video and interactive ad content without ever leaving the app, and letting users return to their app anytime they choose. iPhone OS 4 lets developers easily embed iAd opportunities within their apps, and the ads are dynamically and wirelessly delivered to the device. Apple will sell and serve the ads, and developers will receive an industry-standard 60 percent of iAd revenue.”


In short your...beloved apps will now feature advertising. Assuming you have a phone nicer than mine.


Paul said...

As annoying as ads may be, this will be great for the end user.

Most applications will move to free and loads of new applications will end up being developed because of the potential revenue.

It would also be a good idea to offer paid versions of the apps that are ad free for users that opt in.

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