12 March 2010



Some of you have responded and some of you have not because you don't like fun...But I need a show of hands on who might be watching porno with me so we can plan a guesstimate of how much breakfast foods to acquire at the store this evening. And by show of hands I mean get a hold of me.

And it is suppose to rain. But after a quick survey...I am happy to announce that we are on as planned...beacause does it really matter if you're drunk before noon and got super full of breakfast and you couldn't watch a parade, so you had to watch ample amounts of porn instead? Come on.

ALSO. Dog people...normally I would say bring your f'er with you if you want, but I am dog sitting for my brother and little Miss Daisy doesn't play well with other puppies. Sorry.

ALSO also...invite whoever, just let me know about it. As you were.

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