02 December 2009


So with the whole not smoking thing, I've done some math.

20 cigarettes (one pack) a day
x $4.25ish a pack
_____ (that's an equals thing)
94 days until I can buy this...

Fuck you. Its a good idea.


David Kerins said...

I really cannot encourage this enough.

Paul said...

It's no fun to ride alone.
I'm going to stop eating and hopefully in 94 days I can buy one too.

houvenagle said...

I like the dedication here...Mr. D you in too? We're gonna need a pack to knife fight with the preps.

94 days will put us into the end of February/ early March and we'll have some prime Spring riding...we just need to buy before prices jack up with the nice weather.

David Kerins said...

I have a red wagon and a rope. I'm thinking maybe that you pull me.

houvenagle said...

Nope. Won't work. I wouldn't be able to do sweet jumps with a wagon and your fat ass weighing me down.

Just stop doing something and its basically free.

DoeHands said...

sidecar for joplin!