10 November 2009


So I'll be painting my friend Ms. J's bike this winter season and decided to do a few tests on a pipe to make sure what I want to do is going to be possible. Good news is yes...it is indeed possible. Bad news is its gonna be fucking rough. Time isn't the issue, I can crank through it no problem. Its the fact that the frame is going to be a bitch to constantly spin around to keep a line. I'll be covering the majority of the bike...I would have done more on the test piece, but my Sharpies were old and drying out, making it hard to stay motivated.

Now if she'd just give me her bike so I can get started...I'm hoping to nab it this weekend to strip it down, but...I'm not holding my breath.

1 comment:

houvenagle said...

And I've got the bike...