30 November 2009


I started taking Chantix Friday morning. For those of you who don't know what it is, its a prescription drug to help you quit smoking. And as you can probably imagine, a pill that fills the need for you to put poison into your body multiple times a day comes with a great deal of side effects.

So how is it going? I feel nauseous about 80% of the day. I feel very anxious and very agitated. I've dreamt my left hand was smashed in a trash compactor and finally severed. I've dreamt I've been on fire laying in a field. I'm confused easily when walking around my house...I don't know why I got up in the first place. But today...today is the first day in nearly 12 years that I don't have a pack of cigarettes or lighter in my pocket. Wish me luck...


Paul said...

Suicide by noon. =P

reverend dick said...

stay strong.