15 October 2009


So I received a lovely notice a few days ago from the government which politely reminded me I'm a scumbag and I'd neglected to pay some city taxes. Well one complicated form later along with a bit of mathematic wonder, I came up with $38 + $12 in late fees and penalties...great...thanks government. So, I figure in another 6 months I'll get another polite reminder of my ignorance letting me know I filled out their impossible form wrong.

They apparently know I owe them money, why not just tell me how f'n much? "Because they'd have to do it for everyone..." Bullshit answer imaginary interwebs voice that sounds like every girl I impersonate. They have to check up on us anyway....because I guarantee I get that form back in the mail.


Paul said...

Were they late fees or a 're-stocking fee?'

houvenagle said...

late...5% of something up to 25 % of something multiplied by whatever stupid thing...

Paul said...

Sounds like an answer I used to give in my Econ class.

I can't wait for Cranksgiving! 25 miles with a back pack full of cans is going to kill me.

houvenagle said...

Smarter to stock up on lighter stuff first and save the heavier, larger purchases for the last couple of stops....though by the end of it, all the box corners pressed down by the weight of the cans make your bag feel like a ball of knives. Its a super fun ride though.