03 August 2009


This past weekend I went back to my parents house to hang out. Nice and relaxing...you forget how quite it can get at night...kinda creepy actually. We didn't do too terribly much, though we did go see The Hangover, which is a lot better than I expected...I just figured it'd be another Dude Where's Car, which it kind of is...but whatever, I laughed. Other than that it was a lot of cold kicking it around their massive yard, complete with 6 guineas +2 chicks, 4 or 5 chickens and 5 ducks...all domesticated...so much in fact, despite there being two good size ponds, the ducks refuse to swim and are too heavy to fly, so they just walk around the yard all day with the guineas...

Also while I was home, my mom unearthed some bonds I had received back when I graduated. So now I think I'll be buying a shiny new bike this week. Funny...I'm pretty sure relatives gave me bonds back yonder so I wouldn't buy stupid shit I don't need...I'd get older...and more responsible...well...that did not work. New bike!...maybe.

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