24 July 2009


Last night Gogol Bordello was at The Pageant, it was the first time I'd seen them live...super good show. Quite a range of people there...honestly I expected it to be about half as crowded. I fell in love no less than nine times...girls with washboards dancing in white are a plus. A buddy of mine apparently saw them three or so years ago at the old Creepy Crawl, which I bet was way awesome in that small of a space. Afterwards I headed home with good intentions of calling it a night and going to bed...but when I was out walking my dog I magically ended up at ye ol' Tin Can and drank more unnecessary beers. Fun times.

Saturday night, a buddy's band, [STELLA MORA] is playing at the [FIREBIRD]...should be a good time...and I know how much you like good times.

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