24 September 2008


Adobe has just announced the passage of its applications in version Creative Suite 4. A new range, new packaging, and its batch of innovations to be discovered.

The continuation is declined in 6 versions by including the following software:

- InDesign CS4
- Photoshop CS4 Extended
- Illustrator CS4
- Acrobat 9 Pro
- Flash CS4 Professional
- Dreamweaver CS4
- Fireworks CS4
- Contribute CS4
- After Effects CS4
- Adobe First Pro CS4
- Soundbooth CS4
- Adobe OnLocation CS4
- Still CS4
- Adobe Bridge CS4
- Adobe Central Device CS4
- Dynamic Link
- Version Cue CS4

One will note the support of acceleration by the graphics card, a function of scaling intelligent, corrections nondestructive in the panel of adjustment, an integration with LightRoom improved, more functions 3D in Photoshop and the famous interface by mitre.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

aren't you on CS2?