23 June 2008


Saturday's ride to the Sky View drive-in in Belleville was fantabulous to say the least.

To sum up the ride... There were two spills, none serious. A few flats, quickly fixed. Numerous tall cans. A whole lot of friendly East Saint Louis residents. One big ass Cousin Cooter's Come Back Sammich from Big Mama's BBQ (best thing I've ever eaten in my life). One super pissed of cursing fellow who is apparently a horrible parent that hates bicycles. My first drive-in experience. A movie. Quite a few songs and songs turned into acronyms. A Metro Link car full of bikes and a singing Brian. And one hell of a time.

The 27 mile route was surprisingly easy and flat with the exception of one monstrous two part hill...but still nothing too treacherous, though there was a point once I reached the top of the hill that I was pretty sure I might throw up. Many thanks to Mr. Utz for his planning and efforts.

I unfortunately jumped off the Metro downtown so I could get my ever so patient dog outside to poo. The rest of the group made their way on to the CWE for continued funness.


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