Dead burnt people at ye ol' Crematory...

Ted Drewes for a couple of Oatmeal Cookie Concretes just before our first rain delay...

Ellen's house for a quick tour and brew while we waited out the rain...

Bevo Mill, its a wind mill restaurant something or other...not really sure of its purpose, but here we are...

Lemp Mansion...apparently haunted...

Anheuser Busch Brewery...

Lunch at Gus' Pretzels...not that I know where else you could get one, but best fucking hot dog wrapped in a pretzel ever...

Venice Cafe...we tried for a drink, but they wouldn't let us in...

Stan Musual's giant ball sack...

Bowling Museum Hall of Fame (International...that shit's International)...

The giant Vess Bottle north of the Dome...

14th & Cass...detour sign directing fat people to KFC...

Crown Candy...

City Museum...

Worst bike lane ever...thanks for the great city planning STL...

Rib American to look for fatties covered in BBQ sauce...

The Fox Theatre...

Chase Park Plaza...

The Boat House...not really sure what you're supposed to do here...eat and then paddle boat?

The North Entrance to the Zoo...

Blue Berry Hill for a hopefully Chuck Berry spotting...

Fitz's on the Loop...

The big shoe compiled of shoes out side of Brown Shoe...

And we end our tour with the fat naked man on a horse at Wydown and Hanley...
Good ride. Good ride.
And I do apologize to the strippers on the East Side for not making it over there. But in all fairness, your boobies in my face do not out weight the possibility of being stabbed because I'm riding a bike after dark...maybe next time ladies...
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