07 April 2008


Friday I decided to save some money as opposed to handing it all over to a bar wench, so a few of us just sat around my place guzzling down Stag and wine. Both classy and delightful. To add to the atmospheric class, I watched a guy pull over his Cadillac to piss in the middle of the street...and a busy street at that. I'm all for pissing in an alley and what not, but this is a heavy traffic area...not to mention I was maybe 15 ft away with my dog when he decided to whip out his wang. I decided against telling him how dumb he is, and gave him the ol' are you fucking kidding me shoulder arms out shrug and moved on in fear of getting piss on my Chucks.

Saturday was stupendously awesome out, so I rode my bike down to Soulard to sit on a patio with some chaps waiting to go to the Blues game...though they never did make it to the game. On my way home I got a flat. As I sat on the curb fixing it, I managed to puncture my spare tube by not cleaning out the tire. With no way home, I called for reinforcements and we headed to the Tin Can after dropping of my bike.

Sunday was awesomeO weather again so some riding was in order, and that we did. Had to drive to a buddy's house to borrow a tube in South City. From South City we rode over to the CWE, up to the Loop to [BIGSHARK] to stock up on spare tubes and Blueberry for brews, back to Lindenwood past the pretzel guys for a sit in the park and a luke warm Stag and finally back to the start to play with Spider Man...

Good times.

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