21 April 2008


Last night's Full Moon Fiasco offered up a good time to all. Despite me managing to strip the threads on my front axle (thanks for letting my borrow a wheel Mr. T) we made it to Turtle Park with plenty of time to soak in the full moon's glow.

This morning I decided to ride my low rider to work, which I haven't been on since who knows when. The tiny pedals, and the break neck speeds made me feel a bit retarded after staying away from it all winter...but definitely a fun retarded nonetheless.

Over the course of the weekend I wrapped up my own personal black and white film festival with Freaks, The Mist and The Night of the Hunter. All good watches Freaks may have been my favorite, but The Mist is a close second with dare I say the best movie ending ever...yep I do.

Also, I know I've said it before, but this time I mean it....Kickball...I've decided on Saturday May, 10. I'll post a flyer in the next couple of days, but mark your calendars bitches.

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