20 April 2008


I'm not sure, but I may have just avoided being mugged. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but this was a little too creepy...

So...I'm walking to work this morning to wrap up a few things I need to have done for Monday morning, when this guy comes around the corner of a supposed to be gated lot in-between two somewhat dilapidated buildings asking me for a favor...so I hear him out. It boils down to this...he wants me to go back to the far end corner of this lot where his car is parked with the hood open sitting next to a shitty van...get inside of his car, sit in his car and turn his key while he tries to jump it.

Many things are wrong here. First off, I'm not a fan of shitty vans with no windows, especially when they're sitting in an abandoned lot. Secondly, who the fuck needs someone to turn a key while jumper cables are being hooked up. And fucking lastly, where did this other guy go with this other car he's going to hook the cables up to?

Not to get on a slippery slope, but [THIS] just happened a few blocks away, a few days ago...sorry my good sir but I need to keep walking right now.


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