08 April 2008


Because cell phones aren't already annoying enough...now they do everything (or at least they will once the technology hits the US). In the meantime, go on...be a trend setter...throw away your wallet.


Jeff said...

That is fucking awesome.
Cash is completely pointless. Once there is an easy way to pay an individual with a debit card or cell phone or ??? there will be no reason for cash. Paypal is the big first step to that. IF they can get their business model to mobile phones it will be a cool thing. But then the problem lies in losing your phone. Or screwing it up somehow. But I would welcome that risk to get rid of cash. At the very least can we stop making pennies?

houvenagle said...

no worries on the losing your phone...there is also a technology out there that you rub your finger over a sensor and it recognizes you..great for security and big brother...